Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Merry Merry!
First, I am SO sorry for the radio silence - once again, I got very sick, this time with a double smack-down: pneumonia combined strep throat. I think I've been put on every medication known to mankind, and I'm back on my feet, but things like communicating sort of slid off my radar. Plus, the drug Prednisone (saved my life!) made it impossible to see (everything was so incredibly blurry and wiggly) that work on a screen was out. But, as I said, I'm better and I want to wish each and every one of you a wonderful holiday season!
I've been asked what happen as far as the television deal. MTV passed, but I just spoke with the producers last week and they are still shopping it to places like NetFlix Original programming, Hulu etc. Also, ABC Family may be back on board. This is an extremely competitive field, so I content myself with being thrilled that they are doing anything at all. Hope springs eternal - huzzah!
Peace on earth is my wish for Christmas and 2014. May you all have the best holiday EVER!
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
And So It Goes...
Hi to all my wonderful friends!!! Yes, it was a waiting game, and although MTV passed (boo!) my producers are very optimistic they will find a home for the series, so keep lighting those candles! When I actually looked at MTV's lineup I wondered if it would be a good fit, since 99% of their programming is reality television and this would be a scripted show. On a brighter note, the National Geographic series is moving forward, so huzzah on that front! Concerning Body Language, the best I have is we shall see...
One thing that has happened that is very unnerving is that I got a call from a prime time television crime series last Thursday. They would like to feature the murder of my friend, Savannah Leigh Anderson, on their one-hour program. That call really came out of nowhere and I must admit, I was reeling when we ended that call, although the producer could not have been more kind! I've been pulling together pictures/letters/memories of when I lost Savannah, which has been emotionally difficult, but healing, too. One of the things the producer is looking for is Savannah's fiance, who I knew as Bill Mills. His given name is Gene William Mills Junior. When I knew him he lived in Irvine, California and worked at Seth Thomas Company. I have a vague memory of him moving to Tennessee, but I'm not sure if that's right. If anyone knows where he is, please give me a shout out so I can pass his information along. I would very much like Savannah to be remembered in this way and Bill, who was as devastated as I at Savannah's loss, would be able to add so much to her story. Savannah's killer, Robert Lloyd Sellers, died in prison, so at least we know he can't hurt anyone else. As I tell my writing students - everything that is difficult, like Savannah's loss, always ends up in some form on the page. The act of writing is cathartic.
Back to working on THE ENEMY IN THE WALLS. I'M ALMOST done, and then I'll finish DRAGONFLY EYES (it's a tribute to Savannah - I even use her name as my protagonist - which in light of recent events is sort of eerie). Oh, and I'll try to see about posting a couple of chapters. So far my editor has said 'no' but it might change as we get closer to the release date. So I'll keep my fingers on the keyboard and write Cameryn's story, which has turned out to be so cool! This one is the scariest of all, hands down!
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Time to Light Those Candles!
Today, August 19th, happens to be the day for the MTV pitch (fingers crossed) as well as my personal phone meeting with Benj Thall, who is writing the script for the National Geographic Mysteries! I'm SOOOOOOOOOO nervous. Please send good thoughts/pray/dance a little dance, and we'll see what the day brings. I'm holding my breath in Colorado! Thanks so much for your amazing support. I can feel it across the miles!, and it means the world to me...
Saturday, August 3, 2013
The Meeting Was AMAZING!
Thanks for everyone's prayers/good-thoughts/positive-energy, because I DID speak with The Great David Ehrman and his brilliant co-writer, who happens to be his daughter Alexis! I had been mulling over another angle for the series, shared it with them on the phone call, and I'm happy to say they LOVED it!!! Whoot whoot! The pitch is set for August 18th and I am soooooooooo nervous, but MTV has already expressed a strong interest, so there is a possibility it might actually happen. So candles lit, fingers crossed - I'm really hoping the next step goes well. Hollywood is a very tough game, though, so I'm trying to keep me feet on the ground. I'll let you know!
On a separate note, I want to shout out a great big THANKS to all of you who called in to the radio interview. For those of you who missed it, here are the links Royce (the man who interviewed me) sent via email request:
From: "Royce Holleman"
Date: July 28, 2013 8:15:07 AM MDT
To: "Alane Ferguson"
Subject: Re: I'd love to join you!!!
Thanks for your participation - it was fantastic! I’m doing better than sending you a single link, here are 3 links to the show!
The link to the one on my site is the full show on Youtube. Daily Motion only plays half-shows. Speaking of how well your interview went, how does Saturday, October 5th at 1:00 pm central sound to you as far as coming on again? I'd like to hear more on the ghost and ghoul stories!
So - I'll be back once more, with more crazy (but true) stories to share. Hope you can join me!
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Forgot the URL!!!
Royce Holleman is host of Talknow Radio found at http://www.talknowradio.com/ Good grief, I'm glad I've got intelligent readers watching my back!!! This is what comes from running from one thing to another - thanks for the save! I owe you one... <3 Hope to hear from you-all tonight!
I'll Be On The Radio Tonight!!!
Hi all my patient friends!
Things out here have been CRAZY (as usual) but I WILL be taking time out tonight to speak with Royce Holleman on his internet radio show, which begins at 7:00 p.m. central. Call in and ask away!!!
LOVE to all of you,
Alane Ferguson
Here's the information:
Welcome to Talknow Radio
Royce Holleman
Show airs live every Wednesday at 7:00 pm central time
Saturday at 1:00 pm central time
Call in number
(832) 632-7904
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Summer 2014....
Greetings and a happy summer to all! I've written about this in past posts, but since I've been asked again it bears repeating; the long and the short of it is that Random House was bought by Penguin, which is my publisher, and THEY decided to push my release date back to Summer 2014. I know I know, it's so frustrating, but that is the way my world works. The idea is that THE DEAD GIVEAWAY will be followed by THE ENEMY IN THE WALLS in the Fall of 2014 - back-to-back release! Kisses and hugs to everyone who is hanging in there along with me. XO's to you all and a huge 'thank you' for your patience. Now, back to writing TEITW. It's SUPER scary. And a LOT of fun to write! :)
Monday, May 13, 2013
Quick check in as I blaze my way through THE ENEMY IN THE WALLS - I've received some truly BRILLIANT ideas (writing from Justin's P.O.V.) that I will ABSOLUTELY do as soon as I'm finished with book six! I feel like my readers are the most intelligent readers on the planet (there must be a way to prove this theory) and I wish I could reach through the screen and hug each and every one of you. Because YOU are the reason I keep on going. Thanks for making my day/year/life so much brighter!
Thursday, May 9, 2013
The Enemy in the Walls....
Sorry for the oh-so-long delay in obtaining the electronic release, but I DID talk with my agent yesterday, and alas, as I feared, until my publisher signs off on the release my hands are tied. 'Anonymous' asked how long that usually takes; the answer is...I don't know. Usually less time than this, but Penguin bumped the book back to the Summer list, which took it off the front burner and pushed it to the back burner. Boo! My agent is meeting with my editor today, so let's hope to get that fire restarted so I can post Chapter One! In the meantime, my editor (and my agent) are totally freaked by the plot twists and turns of THE ENEMY IN THE WALLS! (The idea is that the two books will be released back-to-back, so I'm working HARD to make that happen.) So it's back to death and mayhem for me!
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Thanks to all who sent good thoughts/prayers for little Leyton, the seven-month old baby who was shaken by his caretaker. It pains me to share that he has passed away from his injuries. Be sure to hug someone you love today extra hard and remember to cherish each other always. What a tragedy...
Monday, April 1, 2013
For Those of You Who Want to Write....
An amazing author and friend Carol Lynch Williams asked me to help spread the word about a truly wonderful conference held in Utah - one I've taught at several times in the past and loved. I can tell you it is a truly special place to learn the craft of writing. So here is the information for all of you who have dreamed of joining the world of published authors!
Registration is now open for the 2013 Writing and Illustrating for Young Readers Conference (WIFYR), held June 17-21 at the Waterford School in Sandy, Utah. The workshops fill quickly, so those interested should apply soon.
Continuing its tradition of providing helpful instruction from published authors and illustrators as well as presentations by industry professionals, this year’s conference features a keynote address by Utah's Poet Laureate Lance Larsen, workshops by national authors Matt Kirby, Martine Leavitt, Sharlee Glenn, A.E. Cannon, Carol Lynch Williams, J. Scott Savage, Cheri Pray Earl, Kris Chandler, and illustrator Steve Bjorkman. New this year: a full novel class with Mette Ivie Harrison and day-long mini workshops covering a variety of topics including an accredited teacher course, publication for the discouraged writer, and screenwriting. Afternoon-only registration is also available. This year editor Alyson Heller (Aladdin Books), agent Ammi-Joan Paquette (Erin Murphy Literary Agent), and agent Steven Fraser (Jennifer De Chiara Literary Agency) will present at the conference.
Another exciting event this year is the WIFYR Second Annual Writing Contest and Award. The prize is $1,000 and this year, in addition, the winning manuscript will be considered publication with Familius.
For more information, go to www.wifyr.com.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
I've Got The Date!!!
Okay, everyone, there's good news and bad news. First, the good news! Penguin released my check, which means they have fully accepted the changes on the manuscript (my editor was happy happy happy!) so I'm doing a conga dance in Colorado complete with sparklers. Huzzah! BUT, here's where you will see the power of the author (not!) when it comes to a manuscript. My book was supposed to be on the Fall 2013 list, but they pushed it back because the list was full and I was working on the revisions yadda yadda yadda. So my heart was heavy as we discussed the situation of a Spring release. In the end I was satisfied that they were making what Penguin considered a prudent choice by pushing it back to Spring since they said they could give it more attentions etc. and get the word out more easily to the buyers. However, I JUST RECEIVED an email from my editor, telling me the Powers at Penguin had a meeting and decided to make The Dead Giveaway a lead book for the Summer Read program. As in summer of 2014. I read the email and immediately called her office, but in the three minute lapse of time it took for her to send the email and for me to read it and immediately punch in her phone number, my editor had skipped out of the building - she's currently in South East Asia for three weeks. I then called my agent, wailing about the length of time you all would have to wait, and he said these decisions happen and it's all about what's on the Penguin list and it's just part of the process. So I suppose I'm going to have to suck it up and deal with the fact that the release date is off in the horizon. But it is at last a firm date.
PLEASE stick with Cameryn and Justin while the days of the calendar fly by. I'm working on The Enemy in the Walls so that The Dead Giveaway and then The Enemy in the Walls can be released Summer and then Fall - that's something to cheer about! The forensic television deal is still on the table, (it is supposed to be pitched in April) so I'll let you know what/when/if anything happens on that front. The television deal with National Geographic is moving forward as well, but that deals with Mysteries in our National Parks, which is of course a different series entirely. The Book of the Dawning is well underway, and then I will finish up Dragonfly Eyes! somewhere in all of this. So, to recap, there's good and not so good, but we're moving forward and that's a wonderful thing!
Last but not least: when things like moving release dates make me want to tear my hair out, something will happen that puts my problems into perspective. One of those 'reminders' just happened to me in the saddest possible way. My friend's grandson was left in an at-home daycare for one day last Thursday, and the caretaker shook his little seven-month-old body so hard he had a massive brain hemorrhage. His name is Leyton, he's in a coma, and the prognosis is not good. Yesterday, the doctors allowed his parents to hold him, perhaps for the last time. My husband and I are going to a prayer & candlelight service for him tonight. So please, all of you, send good thoughts/prayers for this little guy who has been so terribly injured, and remember to look at the difference between disappointment and tragedy. Then hug someone and tell them you love them. Because the one thing writing forensics and paranormal stories has taught me is that you never know what's coming. Just make sure today counts.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Fun Article Questions!
Hi all!
I was asked to answer questions for an article by my fellow (and amazing) author Veda Boyd Jones, and I thought I'd share my reply with you! (Since there is still no news...) The article will appear in Children's Writer sometime soon. (The date is not locked in as of yet.) Enjoy!
1. I am currently reading DANCE OF SHADOWS by Yelena Black, which is beautiful and compelling. The book I've read that constantly simmers in my subconscious is THE LIFE BEFORE HER EYES by Laura Kasischke. A novel centered around a character's brief life and untimely death, TLBHE is what I call a 'perfect book'. It's theme of what-would-you-think-of-in-your-last-moment-on-earth haunts me, but also reminds me to live every day in a loving, purposeful way. The writing is incredible - each page is an indulgence for me as a reader. Kasischke is a poetic master.
2. I primarily read Young Adult books, but I mix in a lot of adult books, both fiction and non-fiction. And with five grandchildren in my familial mix, I find I'm reading aloud about kittens and puppies one minute before curling up with a delicious mystery (those are just for me) the next. The truth is, my reading is nothing short of eclectic. Which suits me because I love it all!
3. Why do I read the types of books I read? I think I devour a rainbow of books because there are many sides to me as a person. Reading about history fascinates me since today is interconnected with yesterday, and I live for those 'aha' moments when a causality clicks into place. I love getting lost in a romance or pitting my mind against the author of a great mystery. (Kudos to the writer who can fool me - a fist pump when that happens!) I find I get completely and emotionally drawn into an author's alternate world: when Rue died in THE HUNGER GAMES, I wept through an entire box of Kleenex. I'm talking a Mount Rushmore pile of crumpled white tissue by my side, which was doubled when I read the epilogue of MOCKINGJAY. Every day I plow through our newspaper (I also keep up online) so that I can grasp our political and international landscape, but at the same time I'll confess to gobbling up each installment of TWILIGHT, actually standing in those long midnight lines. So for me, reading is like a well-balanced meal - I eat my veggies, but I always include dessert!
4. Yes, I belong to a book club with my daughter. It's so much fun to unpack the meaning of a book with others! Plus (surprise!) I love to talk. But I clamp my lips tight when someone describes a passage that particularly resonated with her, because as an author I make it a point to listen to what touches a reader. That's an author's gold!
5. My favorite magazine is Psychology Today, but I loves me some People Magazine (gossiping about celebrities doesn't count, right?) as well as assorted news magazines and The Denver Post.
6. I read every chance I get. Since I have the privilege of working from home, I actually have to resist temptation and keep my eyes on my computer screen instead of my Kindle/hardcover/paperback novels stacked high on my desk. They sing their siren song while I try to create my own novels, and, oh, my, not reading them is like constantly dieting (I have to do that, too!). Reading is my candy - I must force myself to regulate. On a side-note, the Kindle Paperwhite saved my marriage, since it allows me to read discreetly in bed without disturbing my poor husband. (Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever gone to sleep without reading first.) I find listening to another author quiets the 'writer's voice' yammering inside my own head. The only downside is that I've been known to buy a sequel in the wee hours because I just have to know what happens next in a series and downloading on Kindle is so easy. The electronic book store is always open!
7. Since I've completed book five and am currently writing book six in my forensic mystery series, I would say THE CHRISTOPHER KILLER, THE ANGEL OF DEATH, THE CIRCLE OF BLOOD and THE DYING BREATH.
8. Reading is like breathing to me - I'd die without it!
On Mar 10, 2013, at 11:18 AM, Veda Boyd Jones wrote:
I've been assigned an article for Children's Writer: Reading Habits of Successful Writers. We've all said if you want to be a writer, you must first be a reader. So...
1. What are you currently reading? What's the last book you read that's still in your mind?
2. Do you read primarily adult books or books for children?
3. Why do you read the types of books you read?
4. Belong to any book clubs?
5. What about magazines and newspapers? Do you read the Wall Street Journal for financial news or People for the latest celebrity gossip to use in a book?
6. When do you read? Special time set aside or on the fly?
7. What book would you like marketed in parenthesis behind your name?
8. Any other comments about reading?
Monday, March 11, 2013
Greetings to all my favorite people! Now you're getting a taste of the waiting game right along with me - my agent is on it and we're still watching the clock slowly tick by.... Fun, isn't it? (Not!) I'm so glad I've got so much else to keep me busy, including book six of the forensic mysteries. It's soooo scarey I'm waking up at night, peering into dark corners, which is sort of a psychological spillover from my work during the day! As far as The Dead Giveaway, please hang in, hang on, and I'll let everyone know the second I do! :) Until then, enjoy the first hints of spring!
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Tap Tap Tap!
That's the sound of my foot, waiting, waiting, waiting...aack - this delay drives me crazier than it does you guys, I promise! My wonderful, fantastic, amazing agent surprised me and switched houses (from McIntosh & Otis to Dunow, Carlson & Lerner Literary Agency) so there's been a bit of a lag in communication between my editor and agent, compounded by the fact that he (my incredible agent) is currently out of town. I called today so I HOPEFULLY will hear next week about the plan. In the meantime, I'm finishing up The Book of the Dawning outline with the help of my marvelous producer (I'm going heavy on the adjectives tonight, but they are all true) PLUS I've already started The Enemy in the Walls, which is uber-intense! So I just put my head down and keep on typing. Wish me luck!
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Guess what - it's finally finally finally finished, and this Monday I'll begin book six (The Enemy in the Walls) so thank you thank you thank you for all of your good wishes. It truly helped me push to the finish. And yes, the television show is moving forward, as is a television proposal for my younger National Geographic series. Huzzah! Plus, there's The Book of the Dawning to complete (Lionsgate - as in MOVIE!) as well as Dragonfly Eyes! So I'm taking the weekend off before diving in again. I am whipped - but happy! :)
Sunday, January 6, 2013
I Had a Brainwave!
Revisions can SUCK, but it's actually really fun when your editor is totally awesome, like mine. She's been pushes for something more concrete in one chapter of my book. So I had to come up with more specific rules for the game show in The Dead Giveaway, which had me walking in circles going, 'How, exactly, do I create a believable reality show and how can I spice up the 'rules'? Then my wonderful daughter-in-law Mandy came over and we threw out everything I had and just started making up new rules that are hilarious/creepy/just-wait-Hollywood-will-really-make-a-show-out-of-this and now I have that last chapter to rework and huzzah - DONE! Please keep lighting those candles for me to create/write/work, since I'm speaking in Florida at the end of the month and I want TDG finished before I leave. You're rooting really helps! I can feel your positive energy all the way out here in Colorado... :)
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