Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Sad Day

It's so strange - I'm beginning a new book as a tribute to my murdered friend Savannah, which, in turn, has made me think a lot about what comes next. As I was contemplating Savannah's life my thoughts turned to her father, so I just reached for the phone and called him. His number was disconnected, but he'd told me he was thinking about moving in with his brother, so I didn't panic. Then I emailed him and...I just found out he died. So...the last link to Savannah is gone. Savannah's mom, Maxine, died in 2005 and now Al, who drove all the way from Utah to attend my daughter's wedding, has passed, too. Even Savannah's killer is dead. It's like a book has been closed, every chapter complete.

What we should all remember is to love each other while we can, because life is brief. This message isn't meant as a downer, but more a reminder, to keep loved ones close. The last time I talked to Al he laughed (I'm always saying something crazy) and he told me he loved me - he didn't have any other children besides Savannah and the holidays were particularly hard for him. I'm just glad that I know we go on.

Please give someone you love a hug today in memory of Al Anderson, Savannah's father. He was a truly great man who touched many lives. And for you, Al, I send my love...until we meet again.

Alane Ferguson


Anonymous said...

awwww that is soo sad!! im so sorry for your lost!!! but now hes with his only daughter and wife and im sure hes loving it very much
and again im sure *hugs for everyone*

Alane Ferguson said...

Thanks so much for your kind comments - and you keep on giving out those hugs!

Anonymous said...

lol anytime and i always will give out hugs. hows the book?

Darla Ransom said...

I've started my own book! Actually, I started a while ago. I thought it would be nice to one day publish it and I'm close to finishing. So I wondered how you published your first book. I'm sure it would be a wonderful story.
Write back,

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear about your loss(es).
I don't know how I would live without my best must be very strong!
Death is something I always thought I was good at dealing with but lately I have been proven wrong as a kid in my grade comitted suicide and then my friend's mom died...
I will definitely give hugs to everyone and thank you so much for being you!!
Best of luck in the future!!

Alane Ferguson said...

That last post underscored how important it is to live while you're alive and to stay positive - you had TWO people pass on in a short time, which is so hard. I think suicide is such a tough think to deal with, so I'm sending my own personal hug your way. Did you know the kid? I'm guessing it was a guy, because although girls attempt suicide many more times than males, the guys are the ones who usually succeed. Another lesson I've learned along the way is that you should never do anything too rash, because the picture changes. I was in complete dispair after Savannah died but life did get brighter. You just have to hang on. But I know that people who kill themselves aren't really thinking clearly, and my heart breaks for them and the family, for the friends left behind. XO's to you.

Anonymous said...

Hey sorry it took so long to reply! Wow are you smart yes it was a boy and I knew him from a couple classes in the previous years and the bus and his parents/family as well. Thank you so much for your support, he was such a nice boy which is why I think it was so hard for me, but niw that the holidays are over things are, like you said, getting bsck to normal. Best wishes your way!!