Saturday, February 2, 2013


Guess what - it's finally finally finally finished, and this Monday I'll begin book six (The Enemy in the Walls) so thank you thank you thank you for all of your good wishes. It truly helped me push to the finish. And yes, the television show is moving forward, as is a television proposal for my younger National Geographic series. Huzzah! Plus, there's The Book of the Dawning to complete (Lionsgate - as in MOVIE!) as well as Dragonfly Eyes! So I'm taking the weekend off before diving in again. I am whipped - but happy! :)


Anonymous said...

did your editor say anything about posting the new chapter 1 and 3

Anonymous said...

did ur editor say u could post chapters 1 and 3

Alane Ferguson said...

Not yet - she got it Friday. I should hear next week! Fingers WAY crossed!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness!! Please catch me up, which of your works are being made into t.v. shows?? KUDOS TO YOU ALANE!!! Much deserved!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness!! Please catch me up, which of your works are being made into t.v. shows?? KUDOS TO YOU ALANE!!! Much deserved!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness!! Please catch me up, which of your works are being made into t.v. shows?? KUDOS TO YOU ALANE!!! Much deserved!

Anonymous said...

Can u give us a hint what it might be...another game show...does Cammie stay in Cali...any hint that we be OK with?

Alane Ferguson said...

no hints or it will give away the ending, but...strap yourselves in for a RIDE! The Enemy in the Walls will be uber-creepy, I promise you that. It's so much fun :) being a writer!

Anonymous said...

What about the chapters...and will Cammie and Justin be present in the sixth book

Anonymous said...

Are u able to post chapter 1 and 3

Anonymous said...

Hey Alane have you read 50 shades of grey? I'm sure you have heard of the book with all the hype that has been going around. Don't you think Ian Somerhalder should play Christian Grey??? He would be soo good for that part. Anyway congrats on your book and that its finally finished! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Alane have you read 50 shades of grey? I'm sure you have heard of the book with all the hype that has been going around. Don't you think Ian Somerhalder should play Christian Grey??? He would be soo good for that part. Anyway congrats on your book and that its finally finished! :)

Alane Ferguson said...

OMG - are you going to make me admit the 50 Shades of Grey thing? Okay, now SERIOUSLY, here's what happened: My DAUGHTER told me to read the book and skim past some of what I refer to as the 'Oh, My!' portions of the book, which I did, because I wanted to see 1: What it was that was generating so much attention and 2: Try to figure out the story pieces that struck such a chord with women. But I was (ahem) a bit...embarrassed, because it is SO raunchy I almost abandoned ship a couple of times. I'd never even heard of about most of the book's content. I felt like 'vanilla' mixed with a huge bucket of white paint. (I'll never ask anyone to 'sub' contract (subcontract, get it?) for me again! Tee hee hee!) But I digress. The whole/entire/honest reason I read that book was because Kristin told me it had a character that was perfect for my Ian Somerhalder. My conclusion? There is no other man on earth who can play that part, and if someone else is cast, I certainly won't see it at all. But IF they cast Ian, then to-a-smutty-movie-I-will-go! *Blush* *Oh, my!* He has the perfect ability to look snarky and defensive one minute, and then vulnerable and boy-like the next. He IS Christian Grey.

P.S. Don't tell anyone I read the book! ;)

P.P.S. And I SWEAR I did not read all of it.

P.P.P.S. If any of you are younger than 21, do yourself a favor and read The Hunger Games. Or something.

P.P.P.P.S. Today is my birthday - must be why I got all confession-y!

Anonymous said...

Love the Hunger Games and Divergent Trilogy!!! Plus your books...what ever happened to the chapters

Alane Ferguson said...

I talked with my editor yesterday, and she and my executive editor will be reading it this weekend, after which I can ask permission if I can release (a) chapter(s). Remember, I do not own the book, Penguin does, so I must/must/must get the okay, which I think they will as they have allowed it in the past. I hope they like this new version as much as I do!

Anonymous said...

what does (a) and (s) mean...they might only let u post one...and please something with Justin and cammie

Emily said...

Alane, when will the book be released? I can't wait!

Anonymous said...

Any chapters so far

Anonymous said...

can we please have a peak at the book.. and a reply would be preferable

Alane Ferguson said...

Here's my cheery reply - I'm waiting for clearance from my editor! Alas, welcome to the plight of a writer! I talked to an editor who my editor works with, and she said they are swamped, so it might be a couple of days (or weeks!) but she took a peak and loved it - huzzah! Again, it's a matter of not owning the material, so I have to go by their rules - the first chapter I posted is now completely different, which is probably why they don't want me posting before it's in its final form. But I CAN tell you I've already begun book six, The Enemy In The Walls! Thanks for your patience, Anonymous. I, too, get frustrated at the hurry-up-and-wait nature of the business!

Anonymous said...

what did your editor think

Anonymous said...

still waiting...did you watch vampire diaries...i don't want jeremy to die!

Elle said...

hey Alane,

I was wondering, how long does it usually take for you to write a book? Do you do extensive outlining first, like you have a plan on how the story will end already, or are you a go with the flow kind of author? I'm majoring in creative writing and have got a few manuscripts on the shelf or online, so as an aspiring writer, I really like knowing what the writing process is actually like for published authors.

Anonymous said...

any chapter releases...or just waiting for us to beg...cause I think we've been begging for awhile now

Anonymous said...

enany chapter releases...or just waiting for us to beg...cause I think we've been begging for awhile now

Alane Ferguson said...

Sad to say I asked permission from my agent, and he told me in no uncertain terms that Penguin must allow the release of any/all material, and he/I must get permission before I can post. Sorry things aren't going faster, but I am happy to tell you I've begun writing book Six! The Enemy in the Walls is so much fun, and v-e-e-e-r-y scary. But, back to your original question: waiting, alas, is no fun, but I once again holding my breath for Penguin's final release. They have to read the final form all the way through. They have not been able to do that yet because, and I quote, "They are swamped right now and will get to me a.s.a.p." So we'll all wait together!

Anonymous said...

Has body language been green lit yet???

Anonymous said...

How's the show

Anonymous said...

How's the show?

Anonymous said...

Any news on the show

Anonymous said...

what is penguin saying

Victorina said...

This is cool!