Sunday, June 1, 2008

Froensic Tip of the Day!

Happy Sunday! this post was late because I was gone all day! I'm pleased to see people writing about the Justin/Cameryn age question - would any of your parents be all right with such a wide age margin?

My forensic tip has to do with music. Many pathologists keep music going to keep their minds slightly less focused on the grody aspect of what they do. It seems every pathologist has his or her choice of favorites that they play while working. I've even seen them move to the beat!


Anonymous said...

I was reading the Body of Evidence books, and the pathologist there listens to jazz music

Alane Ferguson said...

I've heard country, jazz, opera - just about anything/everything played. I've got that book (Body of Evidence) too! Very cool. Have you ever read Stiff by Mary Roach? That one is awesome, plus our covers (Angel of Death)look strangely alike. Anyway, I highly recommend Stiff if you're interested in the subject of forenscis!