Thursday, October 2, 2008


Guess what!?! The Dying Breath is finished and in the hands of my wonderful editor, Tracy Gates at Penguin Putnam - huzzah! Thanks to one and all who prayed/sent good thoughts/lit candles for me, since I needed all of your energy to push through. I've had so much speaking that my voice is hoarse, and I had to try to go over the manuscript in hotels instead of my office, but it is now officially DONE! Yeah!

I started going over all the crazy things that have happened to me this year which pushed me behind - so many, many events on top of our pregnant daughter Kathy's preeclampsia (we had to basically flip a house for her, since Kathy and her husband DJ bought a trashed home only to discover the next day that Kathy was ordered to bed because her blood pressure was so high) to taking in a teenage girl to losing our dog (Jackie was 21 years old and we all cried when we put her down - she had bone cancer) and just a thousand other 'life' things. But I think in the end it's those very experiences that keep me as an author grounded in my characters. I have a life just like all of you do, with ups and downs and people who need me. But in between it all the Dying Breath was born.

I'm going to take a long walk and take in the cool, Colorado air. The leaves out here are just starting to change and I'm excited to enjoy my favorite season. Oh, and I just found out that in addition to the Florida Teens Read list (please vote!) I'm also on the Virginia Teen list Today is a great day! I hope you all have a fabulous week! Hugs all around!


Anonymous said...

ahhhhhhhh!!!!! i've been dreamin about this forever!!!!! you gotta let us know when it is going to hit the shelfs!! im prayin just a couple months and then i get that book and am the happiest!!!! now ur done so whats next? lol and im so sry about ur experinces but sometimes God takes us threw hell just to get us to heaven :) ( i never wanna put done my dog evrerrr) so i have ur pain on that!!
thanks for being an awesome author

Anonymous said...

I moved to Texas 3 years ago, before that I lived in Florida for four years, and before that Germany for six years... anyways if I still lived in Florida I would definatly vote. I'm very glad to hear your finished :)

no_name_in_sight said...

hey guys trying to get the books out there a bit more im using and hoping u guys will go digg it all ill keep submiting with every change comon guys just hit the digg button

Alane Ferguson said...

I'm so happy too! Next I'll be doing a 'ghost book' so be on the lookout for that! I love the paranormal - Ghost Hunters and all of those true-to-life chill fests! As far as The Dying Breath, I'll let you know what my editor says, so keep those good thoughts coming!

Alane Ferguson said...

Hey, Jack! Thanks so much for the help - it really means a lot to me!

Darla Ransom said...

omg tht ghost book reallly interests me. i love tht kinda stuff.

no_name_in_sight said...

ya sure anytime just email me if u need any help with anything else

Anonymous said...

hows everything going? hear any news about the book?

Anonymous said...

i am so glad and hope you are doing well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
please do let me know when the dying breath/all your other books to come hit the shelves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thank you so much!!!!

no_name_in_sight said...

ppl i dont have a single digg yet come on ppl digg it

xXcyberkatXx said...

YES! FINALLY! I've been wanting to read this book forever! Are you planning on coming out with more in the the series?

nancy said...

i love the series. So far im on the last book, the dying breath and im wonder is there going to be a fourth book, i love all your books.i cant wait to read your ghost book i love paranormal stuff like that.